FAQ & Support

For further information, feedback on technical issues or queries about the tool or the accreditation process, please see the frequently asked questions here.

If the FAQs do not provide the answer you require you can use the “Further Support” form below to seek further help.

  • How do I register my school to use the Computing Quality Framework?

    You should use the registration page. Schools/academies in England can register automatically by using their DfE number or postcode. If the school/academy is already registered, the tool will tell you that this is the case. If you do not know who the Administrator is, or if the person is no longer at the school/academy you can ask for a new person to be made Administrator in their place. You should request this from the enquiries tab in the tool or by email to cqf@teachcomputing.org

    If you do not have a DfE number, if the tool cannot find your school/academy, or you are a school in Northern Ireland or an international school you can register manually. The registration will need approval and this can take up to 5 days.

  • How do I register for the Computing Quality Framework if I work for a Local Authority/ MAT or other recognised organisation and need a demonstration account to work with schools?

    You should email cqf@teachcomputing.org and explain why the account is required.

  • What is the Computing Quality Framework?

    The Computing Quality Framework (CQF) allows schools/academies to review their computing provision across various criteria, benchmark it against good practice and other schools/academies, produce action plans, and access good practice resources.

  • Is there a charge to use the tool?

    No, the tool is provided free of charge by the National Centre for Computing Education, delivered by STEM Learning and supported by South West Grid for Learning.

  • Where can I find additional information about the tool?

    Further information can be found under ‘Overview’, including a guide to the Framework criteria / measurables, a ‘how to’, and information on various features and benefits.

  • Can I just use the pdf version for my review?

    The pdf version of the framework contains the level statements for each benchmark in the Computing Quality Framework. It does not include the improvement actions, nor the links to resources. It is therefore suggested that schools should not use it as the sole method for their review. Schools should use the online tool with its additional functionality and interactive nature.

  • How many accounts can each school have for the Computing Quality Framework?

    The tool works on the basis of one account for each school/academy, but the school/academy can have as many users as it wishes. When the school is registered initially the first user will be given Administrator rights. The Administrator can add other users to the tool and will be able to see details of who is registered to use the tool under “my account” (from your name on the top right of the home page). All new users under the school account will have to be approved by the Administrator.

    An account should be registered to a shared or department-based email address only, not an individual member of staff.

    It is important that if the Administrator leaves the school/academy or changes, that the school/academy informs us by emailing cqf@teachcomputing.org of the change so we can allocate Administrator rights to the new relevant staff member, or any other user that the school wishes to have administration rights.

  • How many staff members in a school can register for the Computing Quality Framework?

    There is no limit to the number of people who can access the tool, in fact we encourage a team approach to using the tool and reviewing each aspect. The Administrator can add users under "my account". They will also need to approve every new user that wants to join the school account.

  • What is a 'benchmark' on the Computing Quality Framework?

    These are areas of work whereby schools can review and document their existing computing provision against seven benchmarks/topics; these are:

    • Leadership and vision
    • Curriculum
    • Teaching, learning and assessment
    • Workforce development
    • Addressing the needs of each pupil
    • Enrichment, destinations and careers
    • Impact and outcomes

    The benchmarks are scored from a level of 1-5 (level 5 is the highest). If a school can demonstrate their computing provision is at level 4 they can apply for the Computing Quality Mark (CQM) for their schools' computing provision (the CQM award is valid for three years).

  • How do I carry out my review?

    Clicking on the ‘Dashboard’ tab will enable users to view a summary of their school or academy’s current positioning across each of the seven assessment criteria (benchmarks). Users may then click on the ‘Review’ section on the left-hand tab, and begin the self-assessment process. Working through the benchmarks one by one, users may select the Level their school or academy has reached according to each benchmark's criteria. Completing this review will create an aggregated score for the whole school / academy’s computing provision as it stands. A re-review can be carried out at any time by the chosen Administrator.

  • What are the level statements?

    Each benchmark (topic) has five level statements (1 to 5). You should choose the statement which is closest to that which best describes your current school/academy’s provision for that benchmark. Click on your chosen level and then click save. The tool will provide an improvement action, which is different for each level. You can also access resources for assistance and improvement purposes.

  • What does the progress metric mean?

    The progress metric at the top of each page and on the dashboard tracks your progress within the tool. You can increase your progress by selecting benchmark levels and entering commentary.The progress only refers to extent to which the tool has been completed and not the level you have achieved.

  • What 'evidence' can be submitted to the CQF to prove attainment Level?

    Anything considered relevant to a school’s current computing provision may be included. Written ‘evidence’ might include a summary of current measures, an excerpt from a school’s prospectus, or a quote from SLT. There is no need to upload or provide supplementary documents, though linking to external resources / shared file information is acceptable, provided our assessors can gain access. An example of an external resource or shared file can come in the form of a Google Drive or SharePoint link provided the link is accessible to the assessors.

    A detailed example below:  


    'Our computing curriculum is foward-thinking and futureproofed, developed with the intention of delivering universal digital skills education, alongside a more developed computer science curriculum as an elective. Computing at [school] is delivered in-line with the National Curriculum requirement for digital literacy and skill; our curriculum intent document demonstrates the support of students' core progression, with assessment points scheduled throughout the year for all Key Stages. This is clearly demonstrated through [our] feedback policy, and staff scrutiny of submitted work and assessment. Staff utilise QWF assessments across all year groups, the feedback and data from which is used to develop the future computing curriculum.

    Featuring a recent installation of a 125-machine computer suite, our computing department is equipped to industry standard acros hardware and software. Students have the opportunity to engage in practical work with reliable support, as well as partake in extracurricular computing activities: after-school games club, ethical hacking/digital security, and introductory coding, to name a few.'

    Please do not submit sensitive or protected category information to the CQF - for example, students' names.

  • As a primary school, can [we] still apply for the Computing Quality Mark if [we] do not feel all seven of the assessment benchmarks are relevant to our school / staff / students?

    The Computing Quality Framework is available for use by primary and secondary schools across England. Evidence submitted by schools as part of an application for the Computing Quality Mark will be assessed on a case-by-case basis; we would, therefore, accept an explanation that a certain assessment benchmark does not apply, and consider accordingly. 

  • What reports are available?

    There are a number of different reports available to schools/academies under the Dashboard / Review / Reporting tab. These provide various levels of detail about your review, progress and progress history in the review and allows you to select the date for which you wish the review to be printed.

  • How can I save my reports?

    When you call up a report, you will have the option of printing it or downloading it to your device. The tool does not save copies of reports, but you can print a report of the content entered into the tool by the school/academy by the current or a previous date.

  • How can I download my certificate(s)?

    To access your certificates, go to the Dashboard page and click on the Certificates section on the left-hand side menu. You can then download certificates as they become available. A printed copy of the Computing Quality Mark Certificate will be sent to you once upon receipt of Computing Quality Mark status.

  • What is the Computing Quality Mark?

    The Computing Quality Mark is awarded to schools and academies to acknowledge and celebrate the quality of the institution’s Computing provision. It can be awarded only to state-funded schools in England. Further information is available under the Accreditation tab.

  • How do I apply for the Computing Quality Mark?

    To apply, the school or academy will need to reach Level 4 across all seven benchmarks and provide relevant commentary, evidence, and improvement actions. The progress bar should be at 100%.

    Once a school or academy has reached the required levels, they may apply for the Computing Quality Mark in the certificates section on the dashboard. The application will be assessed within 4 weeks since the application date.

    The Computing Quality Mark can be awarded only to state-funded schools in England.

  • How can I get further support?

    If the FAQs do not provide the answer you require, you can email cqf@teachcomputing.org or reach out to your local Computing Hub.

  • Remember to save your evidence

    Always remember to save the evidence you submit onto the CQF platfform before you move to the next evidence box.

    NOTE: It is useful to first type your evidence into a word document and then copy and paste into the platform